Subject Line Secrets – How To Get More Opens1 min read

Subject Line Secrets – How To Get More Opens1 min read

Think of the Subject Line as your first impression with your customers. It is the first thing they will read from your emails.

A subject line needs to be clear, concise, and relevant. Keep reading to learn tips on elaborating successful subject lines to get more opens.

These tips can help increase your email open rates and improve overall engagement.

  • Keep it Short and Precise. We recommend using less than 50 characters. Share the main purpose or idea of the email as clearly as possible, so your recipients can understand the content at a glance.
  • Use Action Words. Encourage your recipients to take specific actions. For example: “Join Us Now”, or “Download this guide”.
  • Personalize. Tailor your subject lines to match the recipient’s information. Personalization can significantly improve open rates and engagement, positively impacting deliverability.
  • Create a Sense of Urgency. Using phrases like “Limited Offer”, or “Last Chance” helps create urgency among your recipients and prompt quicker action by implying time sensitivity.
  • Avoid Spammy Language. Spam trigger words are keywords or phrases that email providers see as red flags. Some examples of spammy words are: Be your own boss,  Double your income, Financial Freedom, Free gift, among many others.
  • Test. Make sure the subject line is effective on both desktop and mobile devices. Also, you can A/B testing by sending variations of subject lines to a small portion of your email list and monitoring the results. 

Using these tips can help increase your email open rates and improve overall engagement. Now you know this information you can apply it in your emails!

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